12 km

Itinerary and map

12 km running route

General information and mandatory equipment

All three running routes follow a clockwise direction, beginning and ending at the Kerlingarfjöll – Highland Base Hotel.

Total elevation gain: 500 m

Highest point: 1,050 m

Lowest point: 700 m

Starting time 13:00, time limit 4 hours

Mandatory equipment:

  • Charged phone

  • Reusable drinking vessel

  • Whistle

  • Weather-appropriate clothing


The race starts by running around the campsite below the hotel, then up the gravel road towards Ásgarðsfjall. Upon reaching the top, the course heads south towards the colorful geothermal area in Hveradalir. Runners go down and up stairs on a path that cuts through Hveradalir. Down in Hveradalir, after a 6 km run, is the only drink station on this route. After emerging from Hveradalir, meeting Snorrahver hot spring, the route turns right and runs along a hiking trail northward beneath Hveradalahnúkur, along Ásgarðshryggur with a view over Ásgarðsgljúfur canyon, and down to the finish line by the bridge over Ásgarðsá river, below the hotel.

At the drink station in Hveradalir, you can find water, energy powder, bananas, pretzels, and chocolate.
